How to come back home? How to get back to our body? And out of mind.
Distracting thought preventing presence.
Culture, society, family. Imprints limit our experience. Limit us to experiencing the fullness of life.
To be able to identify some of the distractions, to give you solidarity. We are all distracted by certain thiughts. Helping them identify could help. Insecurities running our life, decision making, stiffness. Non flexible.
Find ways to come back. From the time when we find ourselves swimming off to worry of the mind.
Getting into a constant state of getting back to our body, trying to identify where have we gone and where do we come home to.
Pressure to perform, shame, noise.
See if you can name them, recognize them. It gives them a little less power when looked at.
What can be a powerful way to come back home from ex. some kind of insecurity.
Fear of being judged.
Finding one distraction appear in different aspects of your life. How does it affect you in your relationship to self, with a partner, friend, parent, child, in intimacy, physical/mental/spiritual.
Noticing self judgment. Noticing being distracted, and with each new experience of the diatraction being noticed applying less and less judgement for it appearing. Slowly it loosing power over your body, gaining deeper relaxations, clearer view, ritcher connections. Inner and outer. With self and others. With the physical surroundings, relaxing in group dinamics. ..
Letting go of judgement that you're going to get it right the first time, or the 40th time. Befriending nature and nurture. As you gently peal off what is not home. And start to notice what is.