• empty chart, printable for colouring in

  • centers and their names

  • full chart with coloured in centres, gates, channels

  • TYPE - explains how your energetic field operates and interacts

    Type - essential, explains how you can deal with the world more successfully.

    There are four basic aura types:

    • Reflector

    • Manifestor

    • Projector

    • Generator

    Each explains in what way you communicate with the world, energetically, before verbal communication even occurs.

    They each have aura specific strategies your aura operates with. You learn about yours, and off you go - experiment.

    • REFLECTOR (1%)

    resistant & sampling, NON - energy type

    Strategy: wait a lunar cycle

    Signature: disappointment - surprise/awe

    • MANIFESTOR (8%)

    closed & repelling, NON - energy type

    Strategy: to inform

    Signature: anger - peace

    • PROJECTOR (20%)

    focused & absorbing, NON - energy type

    Strategy: wait for invitation

    Signature: bitterness - success

    • GENERATOR (37%)

    open & enveloping, ENERGY type

    Strategy: wait for sacral response (aha, uh-uh)

    Signature: frustration - satisfaction


    Generator with manifesting capacity.

  • What else can I orient myself with? - PROFILE

    Profiling - provides general understanding for the nature of the being.

    There are 12 profiles, profile gives you this very basic overview of you life. How you perceive yourself vs how others see you, and, how you can observe and see the combination of both in yourself, and, of course, others you interact with. But let’s focus on you, okay?

    They are combinations of six lines, separated into two trigrams:

    • Lower trigram, upper trigram

    • 123, 456

    Here they all are, one happy family of 12:













    1 - investigator

    2 - hermit

    3 - martyr

    4 - opportunist

    5 - heretic

    6 - role model

    Now do the math: 1/3 - investigator/martyr, 3/5 - martyr/heretic, … :::)

    Learning to recognise both conscious (3, in 3/5 profile for ex.) and unconscious side (5, in 3/5) can, first, just be fun to do. Just to see the difference between what you think you are (3), and what others think you are (5), especially at first. And then, to notice both being played out, to relax into the fact that you are, actually, both. And that it is okay to be both, even if the 3 doesn’t actually want to be a 5. Even if that human you are talking to right now only sees the 5. And! To then notice who sees both, how fast, and still wants you around. Jackpot! You just found someone who sees you and accepts you for your true self. Yes. Keep going, or being, to be more accurate. Explore! The other side too: who is it that really does not accept or is not ready to see you for who you are, and is there maybe just to get something from you, or just by association? They might not be your human(s). But what do I know, you go and check!


    1 - introspection - Teachers

    2 - projection - Gurus

    3 - adaptation - Priests

    4 - externalisation - Prophets

    5 - universalisation - Messengers

    6 - transition - Buddhas

    • conscious/unconscious

    • black/red

    • calculated at birth/calculated cca 4 months before birth

    • who you think (you think you think you think) you are/how you are perceived

    • Together = You

    Red and black work in tandem, are interlocked. Even though they might not want to be associated with each other and can feel uncomfortable working as a team. But they do, in fact connect together in the magnetic monopole, the place where identity is at home, in the G centre, or centre of identity, the place of love, connecting the two of the poles into what is then interlocked and operates as an unique human.

    There is debate whether we can consciously access and try to manipulate personality with our minds, once we learn about our characteristics of “the black”/personality, unconscious and convince our minds to control it, as it gets filtered through ajna, our processing unit. And that it is only the black that gets to stay uninterrupted and untouched, because there is no access through mind to it. And it is a part of us, determined and formed four months before our bodies even come out of another human and our lungs breathe air for the first time. So truly, something so out of our touch and direct awareness that can truly only be activated once interaction with other humans occur and through their reactions to us. Or simply by putting ourselves in the most possible distance from self, truly becoming an observer, not applying force or thought formulas taught to us by the external world, but by sitting back, trusting our bodies to do the work and seeing where they take us. After all, are our bodies anything else but vehicles driving our minds around? Are we truly as powerful in manifesting our realities as often talked about in the mainstream spiritualism? Or are we, you, I, as an individual, anything else but a tiny little particle amongst other particles, called humanity? And then even the concept of humanity…is it not just a tiny part of our planet’s existence and history? And is this planet that we, humans, call home, truly anything else but just one of the many planets in the universe which size we still do not know how to measure to exact number? Are we truly as advanced, as a specie as we pride ourselves to be? Or are we all, is it all, just the tiniest part of the life, a bigger constitution, connecting all on neutrino level of specificity? Anyway, next…

  • Beware! This is where you could get very lost, or get crazy wise! - NOT SELF

    There is a difference between those areas in your chart that are defined (coloured in), and those that aren’t. They hold different meaning, explain different parts of yourself, and can, very simply, be explained as a combination of these opposing, but paired together, words:

    • Self vs Not-self

    • Defined vs Open

    • Fixed behaviour vs All of your conditioning + all your wisdom

    • Nature vs Nurture

    • Predetermined vs Influenced

    You could, potentially, go around amplifying everything that isn’t you (not self) and deny existence of self. I’d call that being lost. Not home, but in the middle of the darkest parts of the town, right next to that main dumpster and full public portable toilet. Imagine the smell and all else that comes with it.

    Now, defined, is where you reside. In yourself. It is what you can rely on, it is what you can celebrate showing up more and more and shine, baby! As the purest, gourmet version of the most beautiful human that you are.

    The undefined is also where you go to school, it is not to be erased, But!, noticed and not given the extra, unnecessary power.

    By looking at your chart, determining which is which, supported by explanations, you can get to the starting point of discerning one from the other and learning which wolf to feed. The Self, or Not-self. In you, as you see it, as you recognise it. If having trouble, ask away. I guide, you listen, you go test. Or, you know, diy.

    • Openess is where energy from others is experienced.

    • Definition is where others experience you.

    • Definition = Nature

    • Openess = Nurture

  • What can I rely on in my body? What is my - (INNER) AUTHORITY?

    Inner authority - a place within yourself where you can make yes and no decisions.

    They each have a specific that helps you recognise it in your body. You can only have one, or also a minor, supporting one.

    Helps you trust in yourself for decision making, makes you the authority in your life, lets you communicate with others clearer. If deciding to learn about other authorities besides your own, lets you observe other people’s authorities being played out as they coexist somewhere where you could use them to observe the mechanics between the two, tribe, collectives, being played out. Videos game. Movie. Whatever you like. Book?

    Authorities by percentage (how widely distributed they are amongst beings):

    29 % Head

    35 % Ego

    50 % Solar Plexus

    51 % Ajna

    53 % Spleen

    56 % G

    58 % Root

    70 % Sacral

    71 % Throat

    • Human Design System lets you differentiate what is true in you, and what is borrowed, and never truly belonged to you.

    • It is a science of differentiation.

    • IT points at the material you have been hoarding and has been nothing but a heavy baggage you’ve been carrying around.

    • IF you are ready to see it - it points at places where there’s still some cleaning to do.

    —> How do you do the cleaning?

    • You learn to follow your body, NOT your mind, for decision making.

    • You honour your strategy, follow your inner authority, and gradually relax into YOUR life.

    • You learn about interactions with others.

    • You start seeing the bigger picture. The clearer, cleaner one. Your lens is put through a carwash and the view widens.

    • You find your own place in this world.

    • You continue experimenting, validating it for truth. You DO NOT believe it.

    • You continue trusting your body over your mind.

    • Continue seeing how does HDS work FOR YOU. Regardless of the theory.

  • Get a reading with me?

    A reading - large, clear, simple picture of the persons design. One hour long.


    In a reading I look at your chart, notify you of your type, explain your authority and strategy in order for you to be able to experiment with it practically.

    I point at your definition and openness. Explain your fixed way of operating, and talk about your undefined places. Instruct you on how to notice them for yourself. As I encourage you to start giving them less and less power and point you back at what it is that you can trust, lean into.

    I synthesise the visual formula and bring it to common understanding.

    Body graph = Genetic matrix; regardless of language spoken, can be read universally, it’s a universal pictogram, universal picture of a human being

That’s What Ra Said.

  • Human Design takes an enormously deep spiritual concept and just turns it into simple mechanics because that‘s what the mechanics reveal. You have to surrender, give up your mind being your authority.

    There is no other way. And begin to trust in what is the power that is inherent in your design. Without Strategy and Authority you can‘t be aligned. You‘re not going to make decisions correctly, you don‘t have access to the cognition you need, and the sensory potential that is inherent in you. You don‘t have any of that.

    You‘re just another fool; lemmings, actually. So I know you will find transformation interesting. But please beware; these steps are only for those who are willing to go there alone, regardless of the consequences, because it‘s the only thing that‘s ever going to matter for you.

    - Ra Uru Hu (founder of Human Design System)

  • Every single being who has embraced Human Design at one level or another, even at the most selfish level, needs to try to bring awareness into the life of the other.

    And not just for them, but for you, so that you can begin to have, and enjoy relationships that are truly fulfilling. The other thing, it gets rid of all the bullshit.

    It gets rid of all the pretense; it gets rid of all the false conditioned things. These people that always want to give and aren't givers. These people that want to push you and drive you and support you who aren't. That isn't who they are.

    All these people who say, "I can‘ t help you now. I gave at the office," - all of that sends out a frequency into the world that says that relationships cannot be trusted, that everybody has an ulterior motive, and all of these things that crawl into the not-self mind and pollute the perception and the beauty of what it is to have a bond with the other.

    - Ra Uru Hu

  • When you are looking at different activations in a chart, you are looking at the unique imprint of a person. We have receptors to everything. Everything that is white in the design is a receptor. The imprint is what makes you different; it isn't what makes you the same. What makes us the same is the whole map in its entirety; what makes us different is our individual imprint. This is the science of differentiation and human design teaches us about our uniqueness, what it is to be uniquely ourselves within the totality." - Ra Uru Hu


My name is Anja

I'm a projector.